As a nation with extreme hospitality and love toward getting together for celebrations, Armenians have a rich list of festivals that are considered as a must-visit for every single person who has decided to explore this country, its food, music, and traditions! ‘
Yerevan Wine Days
One of many things that make Armenia famous throughout the world is its exceptional skill of winemaking coming from ancient times. And what is a better way of celebrating the ability of this nation to make a variety of delicious wines, if not by organizing an annual festival? Every year in May, Saryan street, one of the most famous streets in Armenia that offers a number of wine houses, is filled up with those who appreciate the taste of the Armenian wine! On this day, more than 15 wine-making companies offer their products to all visitors to try, while famous restaurants make sure to display a good amount of delicious food. Accompanied with high-quality music, people get an opportunity to relax from the daily routine, taste some good wine, meet with long-time friends, or even make new ones!
Dolma Festival
If you ever heard of Armenia, you have definitely heard of one of its most famous and delicious dishes- the dolma! The beloved delicacy is made of minced meat wrapped in fresh grape leaves. As exotic as it may sound, you will not regret trying it! The event celebrating the uniqueness and the taste of the dish is held on May 20 of every year in different corners of the country, famously at Hnaberd village, Aragatsotn province. During the event, visitors get an exceptional opportunity of trying a number of versions of the beloved Armenian dish and getting even more familiar with the famous cuisine of this ancient nation. Therefore, if you are determined to find out what real dolma tastes like, this event is a must-visit for you!
Taraz Festival
Another way that Armenians express their national identity is through clothing. And if you are interested in finding out more about the extraordinary culture of this nation, the Taraz festival organized in August on the Northern Avenue, Yerevan, is a perfect event for you to attend! The traditional clothing or as it is locally called, Taraz, is a perfect representation of the Armenian identity, its history, traditions, and the ability to have an eye for small details. Both eastern and western Armenian clothing are being exhibited during the event. So if you are keen on finding out what it is like to be a true Armenian, add this festival to hundreds of other reasons for visiting this beautiful country!
Golden Apricot International Film Festival
If you are a true movie enthusiast, plan your trip so you can be in Yerevan in July! Alongside many food and music festivals, the Armenian nation creates yet another occasion for bringing people together-this time, by strengthening the bond between film lovers and those who create them! On July 8-15, at the Moscow cinema, film enthusiasts get an exceptional opportunity of watching high-quality movies that touch upon important topics such as history, lives of ordinary people, national identity, and the hardships that the Armenian nation faced during its long history of existence.
Gata Festival
As you may have noticed, Armenians love showing off their cuisine! And let’s admit it, they have every right to do so. Gata is one of the most important symbols of the Armenian cuisine and an inseparable part of every Armenian table. It is a sweet bread filled with khoriz (consisting of flour, butter, and sugar). Most famously, this event takes place at the Khachik village, Vayots Dzor province. Locals treat all the attendees with a number of traditional dishes, especially different types of Gata. Alongside tasting the delicious Gata, you may also take part in singing and dancing which is also an important part of the festival, indicating, and, one more time, stressing the importance of national identity in the lives of these ancient people.
Khorovats Festival
If you know anything about the Armenian cuisine, that means you have definitely heard about Armenian barbeque-khorovats. It is one of the most favorite dishes of all Armenians! That is why an annual khorovats festival is being held in the town of Akhtala, Lori region, in order to celebrate the taste of real Armenian khorovats! On this day, different prestigious t\restaurants as well as individuals come together to treat the attendees of the festival with different types of khorovats (consisting of both meat and vegetables). The event is also accompanied by traditional music and dances! If you are up to trying out the famous Armenian dish-this event is a must-visit for you!